ForewordIn an era where global interconnectedness has become the norm, the way we approach agriculture and animal husbandry has never…Read More
PrefaceAccording to different study reports and consumer surveys, a considerable market potential is forecasted for organically and naturally produced pork…Read More
Status of Pig – Cultural and Historical PerspectiveA glance through Indiaâs ancient history and mythology shows that the pig had a revered place in our ancient culture…Read More
Evolution of PigPig domestication holds immense importance in the realms of human history and agriculture. The domestication of pigs, Sus scrofa domesticus,…Read More
Domestication of Pig and Distribution Pig BreedsArchaeological evidence suggests that early agricultural communities started selectively breeding wild boars for desirable traits such as docility and higher…Read More
Status of Pig Farming Practices in IndiaAccording to the 20th livestock census of India, the countryâs pig population is 9.06 million in comparison to the world…Read More
Indigenous and crossbred pig genetic resources in IndiaPig is widely distributed in all the eco-regions in India. Pig farming is an important occupation of the rural society…Read More
Natural and Organic Pig Production ScenarioPigs are one of the most commonly raised animals in the world. They are the primary protein source for millions…Read More
Potential of Piggery Towards Increasing Farmerâs Income and Achieving SDGsIt is very well understood that piggery has tremendous potential to contribute towards attaining the vision of doubling of farmerâs…Read More
Feeding and Management Programs for Natural and Organic Pork ProductionIn case of organic pork production, an extensive list of feeding requirements has been established, both in India and other…Read More
Important Pig Diseases and Health ManagementIntroduction Pigs are found and raised all over the world, and provide valuable products for humans, including pork, lard, leather,…Read More
Possibility of Use of Ethnoveterinary Practices in Organic and Natural Pig ProductionEthnoveterinary medicine is a field for protecting animal health and treating illnesses that is associated with traditional beliefs and indigenous…Read More
Current Pork Production vis-Ă -vis Meat ProductionMeat is an integral part of a healthy diet and meat consumption continues to increase steadily, while the worldâs producers…Read More
Traceability Requirements in Pork ValueChain, including that of Organic and Natural Pig FarmingPigs play a pivotal role in meeting the nutritional security owing to its unique attributes like high fecundity, early maturity…Read More
Organic/ Natural Pork: Standard CutsPork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig (Sus domesticus), which is eaten in many countries. The word pork…Read More
Equipments Needed for Processing Organic/Natural Pork ProductsThe demand by consumers for organic and natural meat-based foods, including that of pork products, has grown tremendously over the…Read More
Technologies for Further Processing and Value Addition of Organic / Natural PorkThe organic pork market refers to the sector of the pork industry that focuses on the production and distribution of…Read More
Natural Packaging Techniques for Pork and Pork ProductsPackaging plays a crucial role in preserving the quality, safety, and shelf-life of pork and pork products. While conventional packaging…Read More
Natural and Organic Pork MarketThe area of the pork business that is dedicated to producing and marketing pork products made from animals produced using…Read More
Pattern of Pork Consumption in the World and Import-Export Status of Pork from IndiaPork consumption patterns around the world reveal a fascinating tapestry of culinary traditions, economic factors, and cultural influences. As one…Read More
ReferencesAbraham, J. 2003. Anxieties, concerns and facts about meat consumption and health. In: Souvenir and Abstracts, IMSACON-I, December 11-12, pp-3-11.…Read More